Tuesday, December 20, 2011

resensi film

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fahreza asked me to give movie reviews, maybe he believed in my taste: 3 so here we goo~

film ini bergenre komedi, tentang pertarungan dance. yaa agak lebay sih tp itu yang bikin lucu~
film apayaa horor bukan sih mmm film yg ngangetin. film lama tapi bagus. tentang anak kembar  yang dipisahin dan masih punya feeling each other
lu orang wajib nonton nih film!!!!!

film ini lebih ke arah komedi sih yaaa dan  ini lucu bangeet :3 wkwkwk
ini ceritanya tentang suami yang bawa kabur istrinya dr penjara. ini ceritanyaaa sweeet bangeeet :"D
cerita hororrrr~~ tentang perawat amerika yang tinggal di tokyo. ini setannya jelas banget dan ngagetin yang ga berani mending gausah nonton :p

oiyaa kemaren gue nnton film, lupa judulnya pokoknya itu ceritanya dia pura2 hamil supaya ga dikeluarin dr pekerjaannya. ceritanya bagus deh, ada nilai moralnya ._.v

apalagi yaa? saya orangnya lupaan jd maaf yaaa. as soon as possible aku bakal ngupdate lagi. kenapa saya ga resensiin film bioskop? mungkin kalian bisa nnton di bioskop terdekat, dan karna saya tidak dibayar untuk promosiin film :p ini beberapa dvd yang udh saya tonton ;D kalo penasaran cari ada di penyewaan video atau hubungi saya :ppp

Saturday, December 10, 2011


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This evening, I went to "inul vista" to sing along but you can also call (karaoke) get therearound 7am. just sing, sing, and happy: D

I fell in love with this drink, strawberries with whipped cream and pieces of strawberries and ice cream .... This drink is really strawberry: 3

what about vacation? What you also release too tired to sing?


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today I woke up at 7 am, and I dreamed I was an actor in a movie-_-and the movie is actiontype  3 could imagine I was an actor? : p okay finish with my dream and I feel hungry, and Imake cookies "choco chip" material is ......

200gr margarine
300 gr powdered sugar
1 / 4 tbsp of Vanilla
2 eggs
320gr of flour
20gr cocoa powder
1sdm baking powder
200gr chocolate chips

I eat it with a glass of milk, mmm I love Saturday mornings <3 finished breakfast I plan to go to my secret place. okay this is a secret, I tell you but do not tell my mother, she did not know where I go, when I suddenly lost :$$

silly face -_-

Am i look like granny?
rok ini nyaman sekali :$
this place is located on the top floor in my house, and no one knows i spent enough time here, but ........ okay skip. here we can see Mount Merapi, see the rainbow and the moon so beautifully. trust me this place is very comfortable and cool: D I often here, listen to songs, rain shower (?) and write whatever I like, and read many novels and comic,crying and more: 3 but ...... there is bad news, I would move, but this house will still belong to my family. but I'llrarely to return to this house. waaa so sad: "" (

do you have a secret place, too? shared with me: D